В Норвегии из-за взрывов приостановлены все соревнования электро


Норвежцы через ЕФРА послали всем Пресс релиз.
Так что в ближайшее время руководству ЕФРА и производителям батареек придется
попотеть. Будем ждать решений.

Press Release
The Norwegian Motorsport Federation (NMF) has due to recent battery explosions decided to
stop temporary all racing and training with electric powered rc-cars. The stop of racing is
decided to be until 1st January 2008.
NMF has immediately changed the National Rules for RC-car racing in accordance with EFRA’s
rules regarding batteries in every class. The decision of changing the national rules are basicly
made after a report from a national race 4th of November this year where three explosions of
batteries were reported.
NMF has in the same decision stated that only batteries following the new EFRA-rules will be
allowed. The used batteries must be on EFRA’s list of approved batteries from 1st of April 2008.
NMF are recommending EFRA and commercial involved parts, to publish as soon as possible
recommended batteries used for rc-car racing. We do hope that EFRA will accelerate the
procedure of homologated and approved batteries. We will also recommend EFRA to publish
those approved batteries at once they are approved, and continue to do that until they are
finished approving batteries allowed to use in EFRA-races from 1st April 2008.
NMF hopes the first batteries following the new EFRA-rules, will be published and available for
drivers, before 1st of January 2008. If not, we will still pause the racing until new recommended
batteries are approved and available.
Bent Magnussen
President Division Radio Controlled Motorsport
Norwegian Motorsport Federation