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…скорее - американский.

На лавры “Непосед” и всяких более других деццких коммерческих онсамблей - наплевать…
Мы - не ради денег, но ради искусства. И, чо хотим, то и воротИм!

Школьница третьего класса Любаша:

И жуткие по произношению и запоминанию (особенно - для ребёнка) стихи:


The boys watch the girls while the girls watch the boys who watch the girls go by
Eye to eye, they solemnly convene to make the scene
Which is the name of the game, watch a guy watch a dame on any street in town
Up and down and over and across, romance is boss

Guys talk “girl talk”, it happens everywhere
Eyes watch girls walk with tender lovin’ care

It’s keepin’ track of the fact watching them watching back
That makes the world go 'round
“What’s that sound?” each time you hear a loud collective sigh
They’re making music to watch girls by

La, la, la ,la

Guys talk “girl talk”, it happens everywhere
Eyes watch girls walk with tender lovin’ care

It’s keepin’ track of the fact watching them watching back
That makes the world go 'round
“What’s that sound?” each time you hear a loud collective sigh
They’re making music to watch girls by

The boys watch the girls while the girls watch the boys who watch the girls go by
Eye to eye, they solemnly convene to make the scene

La, la, la ,la

They’re making music to watch girls by… By!!!

P.S. Чтобы тема казалась хоть самую малость околомодельной - сделано в перерывах
промежь полётами.